Case study: How a strategic deep dive changed this client’s path

by | Sep 9, 2024 | Brand strategy

Sometimes, you think we know the path you want to take. It feels so obvious and clear! And then, an outside perspective helps you see things in a new light. 

That’s what happened when my client, Sandra Lilienthal, came to me for help. 

She came to me because she wanted to launch a new business and needed a new website, but after going through my Bold Foundation process I take all my clients through, a different plan emerged. 

The situation

Sandra came to me as a seasoned Jewish educator looking to shift gears as she entered her latter third of life. She wanted to be less tied to a teaching schedule, leaning more towards speaking engagements and other, more flexible ways of using her skillset. 

She wanted help with her messaging, branding, and an updated website. 

Our process

As with every client who comes to me — whether it’s for a new website, visual brand, or marketing campaign — we started with a Bold Foundation. 

We spent 90 minutes together, digging deep into the whys underneath this potential brand — what makes Sandra tick, what she’s trying to build, what she’s looking to get out of it, and why. 

The end result was a well-defined foundation for Sandra’s brand…

…if she decided to move forward with it.

Sandra’s change of direction

For most of my clients, the Bold Foundation is just step one in our work together. We use that foundation to build a strategic brand and website that makes my clients’ inner magic shine through and speaks directly to their ideal customers. 

But for some clients, they get exactly the value they need from the Bold Foundation alone. 

And that’s exactly what happened for Sandra. 

“Going through the Bold Foundation process with Rachel was so helpful in clarifying my message and direction. It gave me so much food for thought! I was really impressed by how well Rachel captured my identity pillars and overall brand strategy. I highly recommend going through this exercise if you’re feeling unsure about the direction of your company!”

What Sandra discovered from going through the Bold Foundation with me was that her original plans for launching a company wouldn’t actually support her goals for this next phase of her life and career. 

In the end, she took those foundational elements and co-founded an incredible non-profit organization called Wisdom Without Walls

A learning process

Whenever I have a new client sign up for a Bold Foundation, I tell them very clearly: This could be step one in our work together or it could be all you need to achieve your goals. 

In Sandra’s case, what she needed more than anything was clarity. 

By strategically digging into her identity pillars, goals, and unique value proposition, the Bold Foundation gave her exactly the clarity she needed to change course and go down the path that was actually aligned with her goals. 

Get the clarity you need

Whether you’re getting ready to launch a new business or your existing business is ready for a refresh, you need clarity on the best direction to take. A clear, strategic foundation will give you just that. 

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