Bold Women In Business Ep. 7: Women’s Intuition

by | Sep 23, 2024 | Podcast

Most of us as female entrepreneurs have ignored our gut instincts at some point or another. Societal or family conditioning often leads us to doubt our instincts — and the results are often detrimental. 

Let’s talk about women’s intuition, and how dangerous it can be to ignore it, both for your business and for your bodily safety. 

Key takeaways

  • Trust your intuition: Women often have strong instincts, but society conditions us to ignore it. Learn to listen to your gut.
  • Empower yourself: Martial arts has played a huge role in teaching me to trust myself, which carries over to making the most intentional business decisions.
  • Build a values-driven business: When building a business, make sure it aligns with your values, and trust your intuition when assessing clients and opportunities.
  • Listen to your intuition in business: Gut feelings are crucial in deciding whether clients or projects are the right fit. Listening to this inner voice helps build an authentic brand.

Action items

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